Improve Proposal Visibility for VeBetterDAO Governance

The Problem

The first proposals that finished the temperature check and were accepted for voting by all DAO participants did not receive quorum.

Quorum was not received because only about 30% (~1 million) of the required votes have been received.

Allocation voting received close to 6 million votes, which shows that voters were active and participated in the governmental process.

The huge difference is likely due the proposals being not actively shown on the dashboard page. Proposals are only available with the “Governance” link at the top. Users likely only check for active proposal votings when they know about them.


A potential solution is adding a section on the “Dashboard” similar to “Allocations”. The new section should list proposals asking for support (temperature check) and for voting (yes/no/abstain).

That is my personal impression, what do you other DAO participants think about this?


Hey @favo , thanks and agreed. Yes, proposals will be shown on dashboard. It is being currently worked on. see attached design. Will be released soon.

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Looks good, can you share other tasks currently in the queue? That way we can prevent energy spent on duplicated suggestions.

Regarding the layout, I think it might be important to also inform users that they are rewarded for voting on each action.

I think the first proposals did not receive quorum because of the missing visibility and another issue could be that people did not know that the rewards are split between all gov. actions (allocation vote + number of proposals in voting). Do you think this could be a factor too?

ui/ux iterations are very observations driven rather than having a list.

but this useful info. thank you. in terms of major things, (updated) whitepaper on website has more info.

I was less referring to UI/UX improvements, more on generic tasks, like improving the gov. processes. There’s more obvious todo’s.

For example to make it a DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization, having a task management shared and publicly discussed and organized is important, otherwise its just three characters in the name. Whats the roadmap (tangible actions) to get future participants on board, get discussions going on how to achieve everything needed. There’s plenty to do, if you want to open up an organization, especially the documentation for decisions making (reasoning, pro/cons, execution) is very important.