Simple way to increase incentive for using dapps

Many users complain that the rewards for sustainable actions are too low, leading them to abandon the use of dapps.

But what if a lottery integration was available? Any dapp that wishes to do so could distribute, for example, 500 B3TR weekly to 1-2 lucky users.

If there is a way to ensure that this draw is conducted transparently, and at the same time the chances of winning increase depending on how much someone uses the dapps, then I believe it would be quite helpful.

For example, for each of the 14 mugshots, the user could earn 14 entry tickets to participate in the lottery, and perhaps an extra ticket for participating in the mugshot challenge. At the end of the week, a draw would take place, and 1-2 tickets would win a significant B3TR reward.

Once the issue with Sybil attacks is resolved, such a draw could potentially be conducted by VeBetterDAO itself, as an enhanced incentive, because with the long-term increase in users, the rewards from voting might become very low. Therefore, the anticipation of a large prize could motivate even greater participation.