Add VOT3 snapshot countdown to VeBetterDAO

Hello everyone,

X-node community member here.

I would like to propose adding a VOT3 snapshot countdown clock to the main governance page of VeBetterDAO.

The snapshot seems to be a common pain point for new users (and even seasoned community members) who are unclear of when exactly they need to swap their B3TR to VOT3 in order to participate in the next round.

A weekly countdown VOT3 snapshot clock could be added easily to the Governance page. It would reset weekly to correspond to the individual voting rounds. This would be an easy solution to:

  • Centralize the communication of when the snapshot occurs (something that is shared currently only via white paper and word of mouth).
  • Provide a visual reminder throughout the week to users.

This is a simple improvement but IMO a much needed one to remove pain points for new users so that mass adoption of the DAO becomes a more seamless process for normies.

Thank you.

Mr. W


Hey Mrwhittleman,
yours seems to me to be such a simple but very interesting idea, I agree with everything you wrote, a countdown that indicates something like "There are so many days, so many hours, so many minutes and so many seconds left, until the snapshot of the VOT3 on your wallet to participate in the round “number of the next round”.
I think this is such a simple idea to implement on the technical side that perhaps there is no need for a proposal to implement it… @vineet-codes , knock here.


Fair point indeed. added to the task list.

BTW, governance app will be completely revamped in next few weeks. What we have currently is like v0. We have learnt a lot from user behaviour and redesigning the whole thing again in an iterative way.

thanks for the tag and suggestion. Keep them coming.


Awesome, thanks for the update!

Nice suggestion brother @mrwhittleman :call_me_hand:

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Hello @elcaliffo @vineet-codes,

As a follow up, I have noticed a lot of new/recent users unclear of the snapshot (when it happens, etc.). I have been pointing them to BetterSwap (VeBetterDAO - BetterSwap) who have implemented a countdown clock, but I really feel this function needs to be front and center on the VeBetterDAO governance platform itself.

@vineet-codes I know you shared that the Governance app was being revamped, will this change be included in that next version?

Just wanted to follow up on this function. Thank you!


this particular update should be out soon.

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Great update @vineet-codes! I see that the snapshot countdown on isn’t accurate but once I click into it, it shows correctly. Any reason?

I think this will help a lot of people.

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cache or ssr issue probably. we will investigate. thank you.

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