Financial Accountability for x2earn apps

Many of the current x2earn apps are small team startups rather than Ltd companies, registered charities or non profits, and as such have unclear legal & financial reporting requirements on them.

Further, when looking at some of the x2earn apps treasury wallets (which are listed on the apps profile on the website for transparency), many of the apps treasury wallets are empty, with the tokens being transferred through a myriad of other accounts.

To enhance the transparency of the financial operations of the x2earn apps - especially startup teams - the apps treasury wallet must be auditable and not funnelled through multiple other accounts (often ending in accounts that vote on the app or use OceanEx). There should be a clear distinction between the founders wallet and the apps wallet.

Apps specifically without a legal basis should be required to:

  • make their treasury wallet auditable
  • clearly seperate the founders wallet from the apps wallet
  • produce a quarterly income & expenses summary posted to the DAO

This will ensure that apps are operating in a legitimate and transparent way.

Having this in place will allow the community to review their voting preferences when they potentially see app owners taking excessive amounts from the app from themselves when their operating costs are unknown. For example some apps are taking up to $10-15k/week in tokens for the founders.

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I 100% agree with this. And this shouldn’t even have to be a proposal. This should be part of being an X2Earn dApp responsibility.

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