Original X Node NFT Ownership & Validator Delegation -

Since the new VTHO distribution model sees network rewards go to groups who actively support the VeChain ecosystem and X/Economic Nodes are the backbone of governance and economic stability on VeChainThor, earning VTHO for being active ecosystem participants.

The current proposed changes with regards to the node NFT staking for validator delegation makes total sense and associate VTHO rewards.

I also like the idea that 10 node levels could exists in the future 4 xnode and 6 economic node.

My proposal on the x node levels is to honor all x node nft holder that are still the original owners since issuing of the xnode. Meaning to give an extra special reward level to x node NFT which never changes owner since minting.

Why because these are the most dedicated supporters of the community and idea of VeChain. Meaning investment in the foundation because of believe. In user adoption and valuable transactions and not financial short term cycle gains.

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